Congratulations to Rose Kauhane, who has won the book giveaway for Crochet: The Complete Guide, by Jane Davis. What’s Rose’s current crochet project? “Currently in my crochet work basket – fingerless gloves for my two year old grandson,” she says.
Rose is the writer behind The Rose Journal and also an Etsy seller at Big Rose Island Designs and her just-opened-in-September shop, Stitched Just 4 U, which showcases her crocheted work. This busy lady has been crafting since she was a young child, beginning with doll clothes she sewed with a miniature sewing machine.

“I am happiest when I am creating,” Rose says, “whether it is with paper, fabric, buttons, or you name it.”
I met Rose online through the first team I joined on Etsy, Boomers & Beyond Etsy Street Team (BBEST), and became familiar with her beautiful but also whimsical fabric yo-yo creations, such as the Mini Fabric Yoyo Button Flower Bouquet shown below.
Rose says she enjoys “being able to use my skills to bring happiness to a friend.” Recently she completed a doily for a friend whose grandmother had started it, but then passed away before finishing it. Fortunately the pattern had been kept, so Rose picked up the project where it had been left off, added a motif, joined all of the motifs together, and crocheted the edging. What a wonderful gift!

As Rose enters the holiday selling season this year, I wish her the best luck in selling her crocheted hats. I would not be surprised if one of the stitches in the giveaway book finds its way into a hat design.

Congratulations once more, Rose, and thank you to everyone who entered the book giveaway!
© 2013 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.
Thank you Judy! So glad I met you in the BBEST team! You are a great friend to have and I enjoy your blogging as well as your creations!
Congratulations, Rose!!