Frosty things to come

Home » Frosty things to come

Yesterday it was 89 degrees and humid—weather that would never make you guess it is autumn. Today, on the other hand, it rained during the morning hours, the temperature dropped to 58 degrees, and the leaves on the trees are beginning to shrivel and drift to the ground. A potter I know, Pearl of Fehu Stoneware, lives in the Denver area and reported frost on her windshield this morning. When it’s cold out west, a few days later we often experience cooler temperatures in Iowa.

Photo courtesy of Pearl of Fehu Stoneware

I love cooler temperatures and would never survive in the South, where you get so hot that you can never shed enough layers to get comfortable. Further north, you do just the opposite, adding layers until you are comfortable. In the same way, I pile on layer upon layer of crafting (and other) projects until I am comfortably surrounded by colors, textures and patterns. In the family room in the basement, the couch is swimming with ruby red, warm gray and pumpkin orange yarns, waiting to be crocheted. The kitchen table is filled with handmade books in various stages of development, and in a tote bag sitting on a chair is a cross-stitched Christmas table cloth that is partially finished. I love how the cooler temperatures of autumn make me feel more energetic, and that energy results in finished projects like the ones below.


It’s early, I know, to welcome frosty things that begin appearing toward the end of autumn, but that is exactly what I am doing. Apparently I’m not alone in my feelings, for if you visit Etsy, you’ll see many winter-themed handmade items.

[sh-etsy-treasury treasury=”NjIyMjQyNHwyNzIyNDgzNTg3″ size=”large” columns=”4″ display=”complete”]

What’s your favorite season, and are your energy levels affected by it?

© 2013 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “Frosty things to come”

  1. Pam of Stitchcrafts

    My favorite season is spring and it does bring renewed energy after the cold winter season. Thanks for including my felted acorn ornaments in your beautiful frosty treasury and your blog.

  2. Sarah ~ Magnolia Surprise

    Sounds like you have a lot of neat projects going on! When you finish the tablecloth, I hope you’ll show us!
    My favorite season is anytime except July and August when it is just too hot here to do anything!
    Love your treasury selections!

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