Special techniques & stitches in crochet: book giveaway

Home » Special techniques & stitches in crochet: book giveaway

8/31/16. Visit this post to learn who won this book. There have been several entries a few years after the book drawing was held. Thank you for your interest!

9/20/13. This giveaway is being extended until Thursday, Sept. 26th. You still have time to enter; just follow the directions at the end of the post, and add your comment.

This week I am offering a special book giveaway for the crochet crowd. The book goes beyond your basic chain stitch and single-double-and-triple crochet, so if you’re interested in adding to your crochet stitch library, this is the book for you. A few years ago House of White Birches published Special Techniques & Stitches in Crochet, a wonderful compilation of projects designed to teach you new stitches and techniques, and show you what they look like when completed.


The book starts off with a cardigan sweater that shows you how to begin a project with a no-chain foundation stitch, and offers several other projects—a pillow and a throw—to help you perfect your technique. Other techniques include the following:

  • diagonal crochet
  • wiggly crochet
  • Irish crochet
  • knit look crochet
  • punched fabric crochet
Contemporary Waves Rug featuring wiggly crochet
Filet Stitch Bag & Coin Purse featuring basic filet crochet
Filet Stitch Bag & Coin Purse featuring basic filet crochet

The book is divided into further sections, such as shells and v-stitches, lace and open weave stitches, textured stitches, ripples and chevrons, and borders.

Linen Squares Doily featuring punched fabric technique
Linen Squares Doily featuring punched fabric technique

The wide varieties of stitches read like a list of tasty hors d’ oeuvres, making you want to try a little bit of each: feathers, little pinecones, rabbit ears, and more. If you’re just learning how to crochet, there’s a chapter at the end of the book that provides the basics.

Irish Filigree featuring Irish crochet
Irish Filigree featuring Irish crochet
Flower Garden Walkway featuring crochet borders
Flower Garden Walkway featuring crochet borders

If you think about the first time you crocheted, likely you stitched up a simple project such as a granny square or scarf. Project-based learning is a great way to learn, in context, about a new stitch or technique. My first project was a giant granny square, so big that it became an afghan.  I still have that first afghan, by the way, crocheted more than 30 years ago.

Granny square afghan

To enter the drawing for the book giveaway, tell me in the comments below about the first crochet project you ever completed. If you’re new to crochet, tell me what types of things you want to crochet. The winner will be announced this Thursday, September 19, assuming there are at least 5 participants in the drawing. If not, the giveaway deadline will be extended.

© 2013 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

17 thoughts on “Special techniques & stitches in crochet: book giveaway”

  1. Very cool! I won’t enter the giveaway to take the chance away from someone who actually crochets, though. I don’t know how, don’t have the time this fall, and probably won’t need anything too warm in Hawaii! I hope whoever wins puts the obviously cool book to good use.

  2. What a great book! Just looking at the pictures there are so many great stitches. One can never learn enough stitches, I especially love the old Irish Lace crocheting – something my great grandmother. I am fortunate to still have some of her pieces.

  3. Looks like a wonderful book. The first thing I ever crocheted and finished was a baby blanket for my daughter. I was working on it while I was in the hospital after giving birth to her. It was white with a blue trim and a more complicated stitch but I did it! I still have it too!

  4. I’m not going to take entries away from those who do crochet either as I don’t and don’t plan to any time soon, but the book looks fantastic! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.

  5. The first item I crocheted was a square, made with rows of single crochet, and used that as a blanket for my doll. It wasn’t fancy or complicated, just plain, but I thought I had done a marvelous thing!

  6. Wow, I just saw this book…looks wonderful! My first completed crochet project was a camouflage Army throw for Zach’s Bed!! I never finished Chase’s…had good intentions…It was pretty much a basic stitch…I cannot recall at the time, has been too long. But, this book motivates me to give it a try again! This time now, will need those glasses on! Uggggg

    Crossing my fingers!


  7. haha, my first crochet project *blushing*… I was 10 years old, my mom had taught me how to crochet. I was trying to make a blanket, but ended up being too small so I decided to make it a doll blanket, but by the time I finished it, it turned into a Barbie blanket!! haha!! It looked more like a triangle than a square!! Luckily my skills have improved and I crochet and knit all the time! Love it! It’s one of my favorite pastimes! 🙂

  8. Leanne Williams-Rodriguez

    After making some sample squares I managed to find a pattern with a new stitch in it – puff stitch! I made a hat and scarf set and that got the ball rolling 🙂 This looks like a wonderful book, and whoever wins will surely have hours of fun ahead of them! Thank you for hosting the giveaway and good luck to all others entering.

  9. Forgot to enter my first crochet project. Actually – I had been sick in bed for weeks – so started to teach my self to crochet as GrannySquare Afghans were the big thing in the early 1970’s, so teaching myself the stitches, I proceeded with my Afghan. As my family can attest – my pattern was worked out to “chopsticks” from the piano. Since I couldn’t get out of bed it was the only way I could work my color scheme. Still have the blanket today – which has made it through 2 generations.

  10. My very first crochet project was a granny square baby blanket back in 1976. I was 11 years old. I really want this book for the Autumn leaves afghan pattern. I thought I had saved it from the Talking Crochet Newsletter, but I cannot find it. According to Ravelry it is in this book! I have had it in my queue for a couple of years. Today was the day I was going to start it and it is no longer available. 🙁

  11. I taught myself to crochet ages 9 years (41 years ago)
    My first project, was a granny square that also turned into a afghan, or should I say, a blanket, as we called them, then. It was a blanket of many colours.

  12. I’m not entering to let someone else to win – I only know how to crochet straight with wire and beads.

    Congrats on the new shop.

  13. My first project was a flower. I made it with a latch hook. It was so exciting. It took maybe 10 minutes to make, but that was a major accomplishment for me. I was already a knitter, buy for some reason I thought crochet was so hard. I would love to win this book!

  14. The first project I competed was an owl potholder. I saw it online last year and decided I had to learn to crochet. It was so cute, I ended up making a dozen of them for Christmas gifts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. I have just recently learned how to crochet and I am in LOVE! I have a chronic illness that keeps me confined to sitting or laying most of the time. Learning has really given me something to look forward to each day that is creative and productive. I am even considering selling some of my pieces to help with our finances. Daughter (10) has fallen in love with the purple purse pictured above. After seeing some of the other pictures I would adore having this book to try more stitches and patterns. The first project I made was for my daughter. It is a ruffle purse that is lined. She was so excited that I was able to make something for her and I can’t wait to make more for her. Currently I am working on an afghan for my son (9). It is camo colors! I hope to win this book so I can be more creative and make some money so my hubby doesn’t have to work quite so hard. God bless!!!!

  16. Thérèse Schmidt

    The first crochet item I ever made was a bobbly ball, sans pattern, for my cat to play with. I adored the beautiful old lacey crochet items my mother had been given by my great grandmother. I had an overwhelming yearning to learn how to do the same. There was no one to ask & if I was ever caught messing around with a crochet hook, I was dubbed “grandma” & other less flattering terms. Crochet was out of fashion with a big “O”. Many years passed before I finally taught myself. I ADORE this craft & thirst for more knowledge in this area. I’ve read as much as I can find on your new book & to say I’d love one…..well, it’s an UNDERSTATEMENT.
    Thankyou & blessings, Thérèse.

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