Taking time to make time

Home » Taking time to make time

I watched an amazing story on the news the other night about an ad agency in Minneapolis that gave its employees the gift of time—to be exact, 500 hours of time—to “Figure out what you’re passionate about, and go do it.” Last spring ad agency Barrie D’Rozario Murphy took advantage of a cyclical lull in its business and paid its 18 employees to take the summer off. One person took on a monumental landscaping project, another volunteered at a shelter for neglected and abused horses, one individual wrote a cookbook, a father spent time with his kids, and another employee made a sculpture that incorporated the figures of her two daughters.

“”Honestly, my big hope for this is now that they’re back,” said Stuart D’Rozario, “people realize the things you wanted to do, you could always be doing and find a place for it in your lives.”

When I heard this story, it occurred to me that the real lesson here is that time is all that prevents anyone from doing what is really important to him or her, and finding time is as easy as the next tip, trick or tool around the corner. There is an entire industry built around time management, in fact, if you just look around you. Items designed to save you space or help you locate things easily are often time-savers.

[sh-etsy-treasury treasury=”NjIyMjQyNHwyNzIyMzQ5NDU1″ size=”large” columns=”4″ display=”complete”]

In a previous post I wrote, Finding time to create, one of my readers pointed out that finding time is often a matter of giving it away first. How? By volunteering, you change your perception of time, feeling as if you actually have more time. Thanks to Heather Geiger for this great tip, on which a study is based.

Sometimes, though, you just have to realize that some things take time, and that realization frees you from the pressure of a deadline, making you feel as if you have all the time you need.

If someone gave you the gift of time, as Barrie D’Rozario Murphy did for its employees, what would you do? I’m starting my dream list now.

© 2013 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Taking time to make time”

  1. Time is so precious. And it is indeed a gift. I already know what I’m passionate about – I’m trying hard to make time for it! I love that earrings organizer you featured!

  2. Splendid Little Stars

    How cool is that?!!
    Off the top of my head, I’d explore near and far, and make things. Oh yes, and spend time with people I care about.
    Organization certainly helps free up time.

  3. What a great story! I agree with Duni about knowing my passions and working to make time for them. How neat to put a treasury together with this theme.

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