All the flowers of all the tomorrows

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Congratulations to Zuda Gay Pease, who represents Comment #3 and is today’s winner of the Clover Flower Frills Templates giveaway. To enter the giveaway, participants were asked to described a childhood craft they enjoyed.

“We also had a summer program at the grade school when I was growing up,” says Zuda. “It was all sorts of fun! I remember one time they let us pick out several rolls of crepe paper to take home to decorate our bicycles and bring our bikes back the next day for a parade and judging. I am sure that most of the crafts I learned in childhood I have used in multiple ways as an adult.  Mama taught me to sew at a very young age.  Daddy was often painting or doing some sort of project he would teach me. I always played with mud outside and play dough in the house.”

Zuda has sold well over 1,200 beautiful polymer clay flowers in her Etsy shop, ZudaGay, although at the moment she is taking a creative break. I have never seen two flowers of hers that are alike.  Below is one of the flowers that Zuda has sold.


As I read through the other responses to this giveaway, I was struck by the fact that most people develop an enthusiasm for working with their hands quite early in their lives.

“I learned to embroider at the age of five,” says LeAnn of Pasque Flower Creations. “I started embroidering dish towels, and then graduated to pillowcases. I had my own little hoop and sewing basket. I still have the basket. My mom and grandmother thought that if I kept my hands busy, I might stop biting my fingernails. That part didn’t work. I still bite my nails.  But I gained a lifelong love of needlework and sewing.” Today LeAnn sells what she calls “fun and functional” fabric creations in her Etsy shop. These include chevron-style oven mitts, bags and totes, baby bibs and blankets, and much more. This patriotic bunting by LeAnn in red, white and blue would definitely jazz up a family 4th of July barbecue setting.

Duni designs, sews and sells feminine sleepwear and clutches in her Etsy shop, Peridot by Duni, using romantic, nostalgic fabrics . She also sells the same type of fabrics in her other Etsy shop, Duni’s Studio Craft & Design. “One thing I really loved doing as a child (apart from reading),” says Duni, “was making stamps from potatoes.” I especially like this sweet little clutch in Duni’s shop.

Edi of Memories for Life, who opened her shop on Etsy to sell personalized scrapbooks, now sells laser-engraved wood plaques, books, albums, wedding invitations, jewelry and many other types of items. Although the majority of her business these days lies in the laser engraving area, she still loves paper crafting, to which she was introduced as a child. “I learned how to use rubber stamps and began my journey into paper crafting through 4-H. Definitely my favorite childhood craft!” says Edi. The wedding album below can be personalized by Edi with a bridal couple’s names.

Paige of Oh Nostalgia Designs on Etsy, who makes jewelry, says, “I actually learned how to make jewelry when I was a kid, and now selling it is my job! Never would have expected that back in the day.”  This sweet vintage-inspired locket necklace by Paige definitely evokes the past.

Margaret of Splendid Little Stars, who hand dyes her own fabrics and sells beautiful scarves, hair scrunchies and T-shirts featuring her dyes, says, “Your post reminds me of where I learned to make so many crafts—summer camp and Girl Scouts.  I loved crafts!  One of the very cool things we did in Girl Scouts was to color with crayons on kimonos made from old sheets by our mothers.  We then wore these to a Japanese restaurant where we had to take off our shoes and sit at a low table.  Maybe I’ll write a post about this sometime since I have photos. One Dad was a professional photographer and his photos, along with an article, appeared in our newspaper.” This gorgeous China silk scarf made by Margaret has hand-rolled and hand-sewn edges.

 Sharla of Beaded Tail says, modestly, “It’s wonderful there were programs that introduced you to crafty things!  I used to go to some, too, but have always had the perfectionist gene, so found them very frustrating.  My mom is very crafty, though, so I’m glad I was exposed to it and eventually able to be somewhat creative!” Sharla designs and weaves beautiful beaded jewelry. This caterpillar-woven purple and brown bracelet, made by Sharla, is simply stunning.


Peggy, who designs and sells jewelry and baskets in her Etsy shop, Artistry Unleashed, used to make clover necklaces. “I loved doing that as a child. Now we mow our lawns so close–hard to get enough long-stemmed clovers!” Peggy has come a long way from clover with this delicate necklace in pink, lavender, peach, rose and pale green pearls. The necklace sells with a pair of matching earrings.


Johana writes that she loves flowers and has been using them in her crafts since she can remember. You can follow her enthusiasm for crafts in general on Pinterest at

Have you ever heard the saying, “All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today?” It might also be said that the flowers of today were grown in the seeds of yesterday. Thank you to all of the folks who shared their stories in my Clover Flower Frills Templates giveaway. Obviously the creative people they are today started their journey long ago!

© 2013 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “All the flowers of all the tomorrows”

  1. Congrats to the winner! Wonderful post, Judy! I loved reading about everyone else’s childhood crafts 🙂
    And thank you so much for the linky love!

  2. woohoo for Zuda!! I LOVE her flowers and hearts! great links, I had to go to each shop and have a look!

  3. Congrats to Zuda!
    It was such fun reading about everyone’s childhood crafting inspirations.
    And thank you, Judy, for the linky! The 4th of July will be here before we know it!!

  4. Splendid Little Stars

    What a cool post! I agree that it’s so fun to read what has inspired us to create.
    Congratulations to Zuda on the win!
    Thank you for featuring all of us in such a lovely post!

  5. I loved reading how everyone got started crafting! What a fun idea for a post.
    Thanks for including my guest book 🙂

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