Tuesday’s Treasury Showcase

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This last week Old Man Winter couldn’t decide whether winter or spring was ahead, with freezing temperatures one day and a thaw the next. Treasury curators on Etsy, however, tended to flip-flip a whole lot less, looking ahead to warmer temperatures and brighter skies with their cheerful, bright Treasuries. Thank you, all! I hope you visit their Treasuries and shops by clicking on the images below.

Kym of Fabric Fascination included my Crochet Fingerless Gloves in Purple in her Treasury titled “Amethyst.” Her Etsy shop includes fabric cuts of designer fabrics that I can tell you from personal experience are real beauties of top quality. The batik blues bundle below would make up some lovely paper-pieced coasters.

Margaret of Splendid Little Stars included my Felted Aqua Bowl in her Valentine-themed Treasury titled “Sweet Love.” Her soft hand dyed and painted wash cloths are the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day (today!).

HudaPehta from Slovenia, an Etsy buyer,  included my Crochet Fingerless Gloves in Ruby Red in her Treasury called “Ruby Red and White.”

Edi of Memories for Life Scrapbooks included my Crochet Scarflette and Hat in Heathered Plum in her Treasury named “Amazing Amethyst.” Her laser-engraved wood products create lasting memories. I love the idea of engraving a couple’s initials into the tree trunk on this journal.

Erica of Sands Curiosities included my Rebecca Bag in Denim Blue in her Treasury called “Denim and Wool.” Her shop includes an eclectic mix of vintage items and digital art. These beautiful seashells definitely make me think of summer!

Regina of Queen & eye (love that name!) included my Envelope Pocket Album for Photos in her Treasury named “20 days till spring.” She specializes in post modern resin jewelry such as the abstract design earrings shown below.

Katie of Wee Green Press also included my Envelope Pocket Album for Photos in her Treasury titled “Rustic Browns, Rustic Oranges . . .” She predominantly makes leather-bound journals, but it was this unique leather-bound journal necklace that caught my eye.

Rose of randomcreative included my Mini Brag Book with Snowflakes in her Treasury called “Brighten Up Your February with Turquoise and Red!”—a combination that really appeals to me. Rose designs beaded and button jewelry. I especially like her bracelets, such as this combination beaded wrap bracelet and necklace with a removable charm. Really versatile design!


© 2012 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Treasury Showcase”

  1. Thanks for linking up with me! Awesome treasuries and features as always. I love the batik fabrics and little book necklace.

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