Never-ending marathon

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I can’t believe it’s Tuesday already, and I haven’t posted my finished projects for Week 14 of the 52 Weeks Challenge. With taxes due in April, and Iowa’s Destination ImagiNation® tournament taking place about the same time (for which my husband and I volunteer), our lives have become a multi-leg marathon.

Early last week, I finished a hat and scarflette set with yarn that had been sitting in the family room for so long, I forgot it was there.

Spruce Green Crochet Hat and Scarflette

After that, I found some leftover yarn from one of my husband’s projects. He didn’t have a use for it, so I crocheted a head warmer and almost finished a matching scarf, but then ran out of yarn. I will have to order more yarn online, which of course will result in more leftover yarn. Sounds like the never-ending story, doesn’t it?!

Crochet Head Warmer

On Friday night John and I did set-up, along with other volunteers, for the state Destination ImagiNation tournament, which took place the next day. Students from around Iowa selected one of six Team Challenges in which to compete, then worked for months to arrive at a solution that culminates in an 8-minute skit. In another part of the competition, teams solve an on-the-spot problem called an Instant Challenge. This is the area in which my husband and I volunteer. In fact, for the last five years we have appraised (scored teams) at Global Finals, where students from around the U.S. and more than 30 countries compete. This coming May will be our 6th year of  Global Finals appraising at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. In any event, by the conclusion of the state tournament, 16 Iowa teams qualified to advance to Global Finals. The video below provides a glimpse of what that experience is like.

Don’t tell me I can’t! promo reel from Bombay Pictures on Vimeo.

After the tournament, I spent the better part of one day updating fundraising letters, press releases and other support documents, and uploading them to the state’s Web site. Globals-bound teams have a huge fundraising task ahead of them before they can compete in Tennessee on May 25–28.

After the weekend, I set aside Destination ImagiNation tasks long enough to add a second paper butterfly-and-flower garland to my paper goods shop on Etsy, reminding me that spring is definitely here, and that there are more unfinished projects around the corner. Looks like this marathon is not yet over!

3-D Butterfly and Flower Paper Garland


© 2011 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “Never-ending marathon”

  1. Fabric Fascination

    It was so much fun to watch the video Judy. You’ve talked about this project ever since I’ve first met you. Now I have more of an idea of what it is about. So exciting, what a wonderful opportunity for kids to shine.

    You are so right about the never ending cycle of creating, buying more supplies, which leads to more creating, and so on.

  2. Wow…this gave me goosebumps. I love these kids, your so lucky to be involved ! I especially like the kid who said…”are you scared or are you brave”? Words to live by…don’t tell me that I can’t !!!

    You are one busy/crafty woman…keep it all up Judy…it’s what keeps us young !

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