Bits and pieces, but still making progress

Home » Bits and pieces, but still making progress

As many of you know, I joined Kym Delmar’s 52 Weeks Challenge at the beginning of the year. This challenge has been a great way to keep focused on finishing projects, although sometimes a project involves so many details that I can complete only part of it. That has been the case this 9th week of the Challenge, when I completed bits and pieces of several projects.

Two items I finished, from start to finish, are head warmers than can double as head warmers. As I share them with you right now, it occurs to me that you are thinking more about spring than winter accessories. However, the truth of the matter is that once winter arrives, I will be working on warm weather projects. When you sell handmade items, in some ways it is like publishing a magazine. The winter layout is being planned six months earlier, and vice versa.

Crochet Head Warmer - Neck Warmer in Heathered Jade
Crochet Head Warmer - Neck Warmer in Snow White

My second project involves a thank you gift for buyers who purchase from my shops on Etsy. I have been thinking about this for a while, trying to determine what would be fun and useful for a buyer, but not too expensive for me. Since I always have leftover scraps from my paper crafting projects, I decided to make some bookmarks and matchbook-style note pads. The bookmarks were completed, but I’ll have to leave the note pads for another day.

Finally, I finished the needlework portion of some items that will eventually be incorporated in some items in Dancing Thimble, my as-yet empty shop on Etsy. These projects have sat on the backburner for quite some time, so hopefully you’ll see the next stage of their development in the coming weeks.

Swedish weaving needlework pieces

Curious to know what the other 52 Weeks Challenge participants did this week? Visit Kym’s post HERE.

© 2011 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “Bits and pieces, but still making progress”

  1. What a feat – 52 weeks of projects! So far you’ve made some beautiful pieces! By now, I would already be out of ideas with 42 weeks left to go – Good luck – looking forward to see what else you accomplish!

  2. Love your book mark idea…I’ve been making them out of my scrapes too and look forward to adding them into my first sale…still waiting ! I have alot of patience !

  3. fabricfascination

    Great colors and design on your warmers Judy. I would think any buyer would be happy to receive one of those bookmarks.

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